August 4, 2004

  • [presentation]

    i hate presentation. i really hate it.  i don’t listen to any presentations or lectures.  what’s the point?  all the facts are on the power point or notes. 

    basically, i gave 10 min presentation on General Electric operation on commercial airline industry. i’ve spent 10 min on making the power point and i watched ‘hell boy’ while i was doing it.

    so the presentation went ridiculously bad.  all the research professors looked at me like… ’you’re a moron…’  i had to improvise a lot.  and i mean A LOT.  i had to make up stories.  i had to make up imaginary managers and projects.  i don’t know if they bought it.  i hope they did… well, most likely they didn’t.  i also hope that i don’t get an e-mail saying that i have to re-do the damn presentation.  well i’m relieved.  it’s over and my partners all cheered me up.  speakin of cheering me up, malaysian people sure know how to make you feel better about your work even if it’s a garbage.

    ok.  time to write 15 pages essay.

July 30, 2004

  • [oh my god]

    today, i found out that all the babies disappeared.

    meaning, the mother hamster ate them all.

    but why?

    nobody touched the babies besides the mother.

    nobody pissed off the mother.

    we left abundunt amount of food into her food tray.

    there’s no damn good reason for her to eat her kids.

    i’m just curious…

July 29, 2004

  • [hamsters]

    last night, tweek’s hamster gave birth to 7 babies.  i find it very disgusting.  those little creatures are about 3/4 inch tall and 1/4 inch wide.  it’s all flesh pink and hairless.  and i also hear that they get eaten by their parents sometimes.  i think it’s sick.  what kind of fuck up parents are they?  eating up your own kids.  that’s not cool at all.  we took out the father hamster from the cage to make sure he doesn’t eat his own kid.  however, we couldn’t really take out the mother hamster because she was breast feeding (it appeared to be) her kids.  every little movement that mother hamster made me anxious.  i don’t know.  even though i find the babies fugly and disgusting, i didn’t want them to get eaten up.  tweek called for animal hospital.  they said that the babies will grow in 2 weeks.  i hope they grow faster before they get their ass chumped by their mom.

    i just realized that perhaps, eating your kids is hamster’s method of discipline and stress reliever.

    “god damn it! i’m pms-ing! kids come here!”

    “i told you to clean up your own shit! ok! that’s it! git yo ass ova herrre!”

    i guess, eating up your kids works better than beating up your kids for hamsters.  it’s ironic how cute little furry creatures have the most cruel method of raising their kids.  they sure know how to demonstrate the idea of survival of the fittest.

July 14, 2004

  • [cooking]

    i’ve been cooking for… 2 days.  so far so good… wait… it’s not great, but it’s good enough to keep myself from hunger.  my little bro and i coooked last two dinners.  basically… all we do is boil pasta with water and dump random sauce on it.  in addition to that, we microwave chicken nuggets and dump it in the pasta pot and mix it.  it doesn’t taste bad.  it’s actually alright.

    one of my friends sent me a link to cook some badass meals.  i haven’t had time to actually follow the direction and actually cook those meals.  but i sure wish i could make them.  my goal is to make chicken wings by this friday.  i hope i can cook it.

    p.s – i’m going to kill elmo.

July 11, 2004

July 4, 2004

  • [shooters' paradise]

    i shot guns.  it was very intense.  it’s a whole another story when you hold on to a real gun with live ammos.  i’ve held a real gun before but it wasn’t loaded.  but this time it was fully loaded with a clip of 9 rounds of .45s.  i had 2 fbi agents next to my lane, also.  every time i put a bullet in my magazine, i was thinking about how painful it would be if that thing penetrated through my skin.  i blasted 50 rounds with a g-lock and cigs that day.  it’s a good stress reliever, but i don’t think guns are my thing.   


    according to some gun articles, some people (not gang bangers) buy guns to release stress… to them… holding a gun and blasting slugs gives them confidence/stress release.  i can understand where they are getting at.   HOWEVER, i think that it’s sad that people rely on guns to feel like God/powerful. 

June 29, 2004

  • [update]

    i’m going back home this thursday. y’all better welcome me.

    i bought nba ballers for xbox.  this is a game that can seriously piss you off.  it’s great but it gets frustrating sometimes.

    i bought a burberry baseball hat.

    that’s all…

June 27, 2004

  • [random]

    i saw 911 movie.  it was good.  bush is a dick.  then again, i’m sure the director made it really biased.

    two things hit me when i saw this movie.

    1. i need to vote.

    2. christine was right.

    i want to vote because we seriously need to bring our troops back.

    i used to think christine was weird but cool… all the things she was interested seemed pointless to me.  after watching this movie…i realized how important it is for me to vote.

    ok… just a stupid thought… i wonder what it would be like if danny lam was the President of United States… ???

June 24, 2004

  • [life in pittsburgh]

    fat chicks~ runnin thru ma mind~ fat chicks~ runnin thru ma mind~ fat chicks~ fat chicks~ fat fat fat fat chicks~

June 23, 2004

  • [friends]

    my hometown friends are big lakers fans.

    i haven’t seen my friends in a long time and i’m homesick so i called them to let them know that i’m going back.

    so i called,

    “hey, what’s up sang~”

    “HAHA~ your stupid lakers got owned, bitch! anyway, i’m thinking about goin…”


    Last Call

    i feel like…

    this little kid…

    who tried to fart on his little brother…

    as a stupid joke… 

    but he crapped on his pants because he flexed too hard…

    p.s – some people just can’t take a joke… screw you 703!

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