June 27, 2004

  • [random]

    i saw 911 movie.  it was good.  bush is a dick.  then again, i’m sure the director made it really biased.

    two things hit me when i saw this movie.

    1. i need to vote.

    2. christine was right.

    i want to vote because we seriously need to bring our troops back.

    i used to think christine was weird but cool… all the things she was interested seemed pointless to me.  after watching this movie…i realized how important it is for me to vote.

    ok… just a stupid thought… i wonder what it would be like if danny lam was the President of United States… ???

Comments (11)

  • are you a citizen

  • yes yes, vote yo~  =)

  • just passin’ through & sendin’ some baylor lil’ sis luv ur way !

  • i keep thinkin and tellin myself that i need to vote..yet i have no idea whats goin on politically.  somehow i get all wrapped up in my own school shit and don’t pay attention to the news.  agh.  anyway, that last sentense was really random!  danny as prez??  haha

  • western civilization as we know it would crumble in a matter of days.

  • i heard that in his last movie, michael moore used alot of tricks with the editing board for his own aesthetic purposes. not sure how truthful it is, but i wouldnt doubt it if it were true.

  • i’m gonna take back my last comment… after hearing both sides of the debate i’m not sure who to believe..

  • yo what happened~ we were chattin and u just signed off. anyways I could call u but since i was already on xanga haha…anyways dont kill me if I can’t make it out to Aqua this friday. I might not be able to make it man.  I’m like so dead tired from partying so hard this weekend. haha! me and my bf just wanna relax this week, so.  Ill let u know though. BUt i Know u aint gonna have any problems with u know what. >=)  Ill tell some of my friends to go out if I can’t make it. haha ill talk to u soon. later

  • Yo you never answered my question you going to KE?

  • omgosh :) im sooo happy! yes make an informed vote!! not cause i say so because you have the power and right to. don’t throw it away guys! sang, come to nj to play!!!

  • michael moore is extremely biased. i haven’t seen this movie but from his last movie, i can guess what he’s gonna say. i think no matter who’s in office, he would be bashing the president. i’m very pro bush. i think he’s the best president we’ve had since i’ve been alive. alot better than our last one at least.

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